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Your Greatest Self.


At Sage Tree, we believe that proper mental health is the foundation for becoming your greatest self.  Whether you're looking for parenting help, have social challenges, or dealing with personal obstacles, our licensed professionals can provide the help and guidance you need to promote self healing.





take control of



Sage Tree therapists understand that we all have challenges in life. Being empowered with the right tools to take control again is one of the keys to happiness and success.  We provide a wide range of services which enables us to focus on your specific needs.  Through personally tailored therapies and counseling we enable you to take control of your life.



Sage Tree believes that all children, especially our children with disorders or special needs deserve the appropriate attention to give them the tools and life skills required to be happy and successful. We use an eclectic approach to adolescent mental health which includes working with parents and guardians to educate them and provide guidance on the most effective ways to support their loved one.

stop talking


Do you wake up each morning like most of us saying that today will be the day that you tackle those challenges that have been holding you back from really living.  Maybe it's trying to understand your children better and being a more loving parent. Are you dealing with depression or PTSD and wish you had the tools to feel more like your "old self"?  Are you concerned about your child that may suffer from an undiagnosed disorder and want to get them the help that they deserve?  Or maybe you feel disconnected in your marriage/partnership and want to get back to enjoying each other like you used to?  These and many other daily challenges put stress and strain on our lives and cause us to not reach our full potential or enjoy life the way we have always envisioned it.  


Well today is the day!  It's time to stop talking about making a change and finally do something to be the change.  Let one of our professionals help you to define the issue and provide you with the tools you need to meet those dreams that you have been talking about.  Today you START LIVING again!





Too often we put all of our energy into areas that do not help us achieve those things we truly value and hold dear. It's time to work with one of our professionals to resolve those life challenges and take back YOUR LIFE!  Get back in control and focus on the people that are most important.  Don't let another day go by living in fear, anxiety, depression, or guilt.  Let Sage Tree help you overcome and repair those challenges to get back to living the life you dream about.

Friendly and Helpful Services


My autistic son struggled to open up to anyone until we met Dr. Dawn.  She was very understanding and found creative ways to get him to communicate and share his thoughts.  He now looks forward to seeing her and always is excited to share his week with her.  Thank you for your compassionate and sensitive approach.


- Jennifer




My wife and I seemed to be slowly growing apart and our communication with each other was at an all time low.  After only 3 sessions, we started to communicate better and understand each other's point.  We still have work to do but for the first time in years I feel close to my wife again.  Thank you!


- David

I wanted to thank you for helping me with my daughter.  She was out of control and her disrespect within our household was unbearable.  Since we have been working with you she has started to understand that her behavior wasn't appropriate and lately even helped out around the house.  Our relationship is much better and I look forward to seeing you each week and the progress we make.  I can't thank you enough for your help!





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